Duval E., Blanchet S., Jacquin L., Veyssière C., Loot G., Quéméré E. (2023) Eco-evolutionary response of cold-water fish populations to the combined effect of an emerging pathogen and temperature. Submitted to global change biology.
Quéméré E. (2023) Dynamique éco-évolutive des populations naturelles dans les paysages fragmentés: De nouveaux outils et concepts pour tisser les liens entre environnement, génotype, et phénotype. Synthèse de l’activité de recherche en vue de l’obtention du diplôme de l’Habilitation à Diriger Des Recherches (HDR) de l’Université de Rennes 1.
Gouthier, L., Duval, E., Blanchet, S., Loot, G., Veyssière, C., Galan, M., Quéméré, E., & Jacquin, L. (2023). Spatial Patterns of Neutral and Functional Genetic Variations along Dendritic Networks of Riverscape in Brown Trout Populations. Diversity, 15(6), 784.
Duval E., Quéméré E., Loot G., Jacquin L., Veyssière C., Blanchet S. (2022). A multifaceted index of population health to detect risk-prone populations and underlying stressors in wildlife. Biological Conservation, 274, 109706,
Semel B., Karpanty S., Semel M., Stauffer D., Quéméré E., Walters J., Andrianiaina A., Rakotonanahary A., Ranaivoson T., Rasolonirina D., Vololonirina F. (2022). Highly Variable Densities and a Decline in Critically Endangered Golden-Crowned Sifaka (Propithecus tattersalli) Abundance from 2008–2018. International Journal of Primatology,
Gervais L., Morellet N., David I., Hewison M., Réale D., Michel G., Chaval Y., Lourtet B., Cargnelutti B., Merlet J., Quéméré E*., Pujol B*. (2022). Quantifying heritability and estimating evolutionary potential in the wild when individuals that share genes also share environments. Journal of Animal Ecology, 12p., * co senior authorship.
Duval, E., Blanchet, S., Quéméré, E., Jacquin, L., Veyssière, C., Lautraite, A., … & Loot, G. (2021). Urine DNA (uDNA) as a non‐lethal method for endoparasite biomonitoring: Development and validation. Environmental DNA.
Quéméré, E., Hessenauer, P., Galan, M., Fernandez, M., Merlet, J., Chaval, Y., Morellet, N., Gilot-Fromont, E., Charbonnel, N. (2021) Pathogen-mediated selection favours the maintenance of innate immunity gene polymorphism in a widespread wild ungulate. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34(7), 1156-1166
Cheynel, L., Gilot‐Fromont, E., Rey, B., Quéméré, E., Débias, F., Duhayer, J., … & Lemaître, J. F. (2021). Maternal effects shape offspring physiological condition but do not senesce in a wild mammal. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34(4), 661-670.
Quéméré, E., Aucourd, M., Troispoux, V., Brosse, S., Murienne, J., Covain, R., … & Galan, M. (2021). Unraveling the dietary diversity of Neotropical top predators using scat DNA metabarcoding: A case study on the elusive Giant Otter. Environmental DNA.
Parreira B, Quéméré E, Vanpé C, Carvalho I, Chikhi L (2020) Genetic consequences of social structure in the golden-crowned sifaka. Heredity.
De Jong M, Li Zhipeng, Qin Y, Quéméré E, Baker K, Wang W, Hoelzel R (2020).Demography and adaptation promoting evolutionary transitions in a mammalian genus that diversified during the Pleistocene. Molecular Ecology.
Quéméré E, Rossi S, Petit E, Marchand P, Merlet J, Game Y, Galan M, Gilo-Fromont E (2020) Genetic epidemiology of the Alpine ibex reservoir of persistent and virulent brucellosis outbreak. Scientific Reports (10):4400
Gervais, L., Hewison, A. J., Morellet, N., Bernard, M., Merlet, J., Cargnelutti, B., Chaval, Y., Pujol, B*., Quemere, E*. (2020). Pedigree-free quantitative genetic approach provides evidence for heritability of movement tactics in wild roe deer. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. *co-senior authorship
Ponsart, C., Riou, M., Locatelli, Y., Jacques, I., Fadeau, A., Jay, M., … Breton, S. (2019). Brucella melitensis Rev. 1 vaccination generates a higher shedding risk of the vaccine strain in Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) compared to the domestic goat (Capra hircus). Veterinary Research, 50(1), 1–13.
Gervais, L., Perrier, C., Bernard, M., Merlet, J., Pemberton, J. M., Pujol, B., & Quéméré, E. (2019). RAD-sequencing for estimating genomic relatedness matrix-based heritability in the wild: A case study in roe deer. Molecular Ecology Resources. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.13031
Quéméré, E., Gaillard, J. M., Galan, M., Vanpé, C., David, I., Pellerin, M., … Pemberton, J. M. (2018). Between-population differences in the genetic and maternal components of body mass in roe deer. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 18(1), 39.
Salmona, J., Heller, R., Quéméré, E., & Chikhi, L. (2017). Climate change and human colonization triggered habitat loss and fragmentation in Madagascar. Molecular Ecology. (19):5203-5222doi: 10.1111/mec.1417
Launey S, Quéméré E, Fagard J-L, Baglinière J-L (2016) Sea does matter: seascape heterogeneity influences coastal
migration tactics and population connectivity in brown trout (Salmo trutta L.). 2nd International Sea trout symposium. Book of Proceedings (book chapter)
Quéméré E (2016) Suivi génétique de la restauration du bouquetin dans les Pyrénées. Rapport final pour le Parc Naturel des Pyrénées / Parc Naturel Régional des Pyrénées Ariégeoises.
Vanpé C, Debeffe L, Galan M, Hewison AJM, Gaillard JM, Gilot E, Morellet N, Cosson JF, Jégo M, Cargnelutti B, Merlet J, Quéméré E
(2016) Immune gene variability influences roe deer natal dispersal. Oikos. 125 (12), 1790-1801
Quéméré E, Baglinière J-L, Roussel J-M, Evanno G, McGinnity P and Launey S (2016), Seascape and its effect on migratory life-history strategy influences gene flow among coastal brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations in the English Channel. Journal of Biogeography, 43: 498–509. doi:10.1111/jbi.12632
Quéméré E, Galan M, Cosson JF, Klein F, Aulagnier S, Gilot-Fromont E, Merlet, Bonhomme M, Hewison M, Charbonnel N (2015) Immunogenetic heterogeneity in a widespread ungulate: the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Molecular Ecology. 24, 15, 3873-3887. DOI: 10.1111/mec.13292
Vanpé C, Debeffe, L, Hewison, AJM, Quéméré E, Lemaître JF, Galan M, Amblard B, Klein F, Cargnelutti B, Capron G, Merlet J, Warnant C, Gaillard JM. (2014) Reduced microsatellite heterozygosity does not affect natal dispersal in three contrasting roe deer populations. Oecologia, 177, 631-643.
Quéméré E, Perrier C, Besnard AL, Evanno G, Baglinière JL, Guiguen Y, Launey S (2014). An improved PCR-based method for faster sex determination in brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Conservation Genetics Resources, 6(4), 825-827.
Bech N, Barbu CM, Quéméré E, Novoa C, Allienne JF, Boissier J (2013). Pyrenean ptarmigans decline under climatic and human influences through the Holocene. Heredity, 111(5), 402-409.
Paz-Vinas I, Quéméré E, Chikhi L, Loot G, Blanchet S (2013) The demographic history of populations experiencing asymmetric gene flow: combining simulated and empirical data. Molecular Ecology 22(12):3279-3291
Quéméré E, Hibert F, Miquel C, Lhuillier E, Rasolondraibe E, Champeau J, Salmona J, Nusbaumer L, Chatelain C, Gauthier L, Crouau-Roy B, Taberlet P, Chikhi L. (2013) A DNA metabarcoding study of a primate dietary diversity and plasticity across its entire fragmented range. PLoS ONE 8(3): e58971. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058971.
Quéméré E, Amelot X, Pierson J, Crouau-Roy B & Chikhi L (2012). Genetic data suggest a natural prehuman origin of open habitats in northern Madagascar and question the deforestation narrative in this region. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences (doi:10.1073/pnas.1200153109)
Quéméré E, Gentil J, Launey S (2011) Analyse spatiale et temporelle des caractéristiques génétiques de la population de truite de mer sur la Bresle. Rapport final ONEMA.
Quéméré E, Chikhi L, Louis EE Jr., Rabarivola C, & Crouau-Roy B (2010). Landscape genetics of an endangered primate species within its entire fragmented range. Molecular Ecology. 19:1606 – 1621
Quéméré E, Champeau J, Besolo A, Rasolondraibe E, Rabarivola C, Crouau-Roy B & Chikhi L (2010) Spatial variation in density and total size estimates in fragmented primate populations: the golden-crowned sifaka (Propithecus tattersalli). American Journal of Primatology 72:72-80
Razafindrakoto A, Quéméré E, Shore GD, McGuire SM, Louis EE Jr. & Brenneman RA (2008) Characterization of 20 microsatellites marker loci in the golden-crowned sifaka (Propithecus tattersalli). Conservation Genetics 9(4):1027-1031.
Quéméré E, Louis EE Jr., Ribéron A, Chikhi L & Crouau-Roy B (2009) Non-invasive conservation genetics of the critically endangered golden-crowned sifaka (Propithecus tattersalli): high diversity and significant genetic differentiation over a small range. Conservation Genetics DOI:10.1007/s10592-009-9837-9.
Samadi S, Quéméré E, Lorion J, Tillier A, von Cosel R, Lopez P, Cruaud C, Couloux A et Boisselier-Dubayle MC (2007). Molecular phylogeny in mytilids supports the wooden steps to deep-sea vents hypothesis. Comptes Rendus de l’Academie des Sciences 330(5): 446-456