2023-2026 Baptiste Bonnet
CIFRE PhD student (Industrial Agreement for Training through Research in collaboration with Hydreco Guyane) on the project « REZOFLEUVE: ‘Digestive Environmental DNA to decipher the diversity, structure, and resilience of aquatic ecosystems in large neotropical rivers.

2023-2025 Teddy Urvois
Postdoctoral position on the eWHALE project « Developing and using eDNA methods to study population genetics and ecology of porbeagle sharks (Lamna nasus) ».

2022-2024 Bonnie Bailet
Postdoctoral position on the project « Monitoring marine trophic webs using dietary DNA metabarcoding »

2022-2024 Zoé Raphalen
Field and lab Engineers on the project « MigrADNe : Development of an quantitivate eDNA approach for monitoring migratory fish »
Phd student

2019-2022. Eloïse Duval (Université Toulouse III): « Détection, distribution et impacts du parasite (Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae) sur les populations sauvages de truite fario (Salmo trutta) » (co-encadrement avec Simon Blanchet, CNRS/SETE). She is now workin at Fishpass (Consulting Firm) as scientific Project Manager.

2017-2020. Laura Gervais (University Toulouse III): « Genetic basis of an ecological success: the colonization of agroecosystems by the European roe deer » (co-supervised with Benoit Pujol, UMR 5174 EDB, CNRS/UPS). She is now a post-doctorate in Montpellier (CEFE) with Anne-Charmantier and Charles Pierrer.
MSc student
2023. Anaïs Myriam (Volunteer internship) « Dietary metabarcoding study of the neotropical otter (Lontra longicaudis) »
2022. Anaïs Pichevin (M2 Université de Rennes) « Environmental DNA as a tool to detect and quantify marine fishes: A pilot study in public aquariums » (co-direction : Verena Trenkel, IFREMER Nantes).
2022. Céline Condachou (M2 Université de Rennes) « DNA metabarcoding of crustacean decapods stomach content as a survey tool for monitoring freshwater fish biodiversity in French Guiana».
2018. Marie Aucourd (M2 Université de Cayenne) « Non-invasive genetic study of the distribution and diet of the Giant Amazon River Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) in the National Nature Reserve of Kaw-Roura in French Guiana » (co-supervised by Niklas Tysklind, INRAE ECOFOG/Kourou) »
2017. Eloise Duval (M1 Université de Rennes): «Architecture of antler size in two environmentally-constrasted populations of European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) ».
2016. Pauline Hessenauer (M2 Université de Toulouse III) « Multiple parasite infection drive immunogenetic trade-off in roe deer » (encadrement à 100%) (co-supervisation: Emmanuelle Gilot-Fromont, Université de Lyon).
2016. Morgan Buirey (M1 Université de Toulouse III): « Spatio-temporal analysis of the diet of the Pyrenean Chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica) in the Pyrenees using an approach of DNA metabarcoding».
2015. Mélusine Masson (M2 Université de Toulouse III) « Multi-scale analysis of landscape fragmentation on the genetic structure of red deer populations in Sologne (Cervus cervus). ».
2013. Marie Fernandez (M1 INSA – 6 mois) : « Diversity of immune genes and parasitic resistance in roe deer within agroecosystems ».
2009. Ivan Paz (M2 Université de Toulouse III) « Influence of fragmentation on the genetic structuring of freshwater fish populations: a multi-specific comparative approach » (co-supervised with Simon Blanchet, CNRS).
2008. Julie Champeau (M2 Université de Toulouse III) « Social and reproductive behavior of the Golden-crowned Sifaka (Propithecus tattersalli) » (co-supervisation: Lounès Chikhi, CNRS).