Since January 2020, Permanent associate Researcher (CR) at INRAE in the lab « Ecology and Ecosystem Health » (Rennes). Evolution of trophic traits/niches in complex heterogenous landscapes / Development of eDNA approaches for diet analysis and biomonitoring in aquatic ecosystems.
2014, Post-doctoral research associate, with Josephine Pemberton at the University of Edinburgh (UK). Quantitative genetics of wild roe deer populations.
2012- 2019, Permanent associate Researcher (CR) at INRAE in the lab « Wildlife, Behaviour and Ecology » (CEFS) (Toulouse). Evolutionary ecology of wild ungulates populations & Quantitative genetics of spatial behaviour.
2010-2011, Post-doctoral (funded by ONEMA) research associate, with Sophie Launey at INRA ESE (Rennes). Seascape genetics of sea trout.
2008-2009. Temporary teaching and research assistant at University Toulouse III, France
2005 -2009. MNRT-funded PhD at the University of Toulouse, with Lounès Chikhi and Brigitte Crouau Roy. Landscape genetics of fragmented lemur populations in Madagascar.
Lecturer at the University of Toulouse III, France (320 hours)
2004-2005. M.Sc Systematic, Evolution et Paleontology at the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), with Sarah Samadi and Marie-Catherine Boisselier. Molecular phylogeny of sunken wood and deep-sea vents mytilids